Minutes for Nov 10, 2015 POA Meeting

Meeting was held at the Christian Family Baptist Church and was called to order at 7:30 PM by President Frank Partee.

Minutes from the Sept. 8, 2015 meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Question was asked about the cost of the lights and why there is a difference in the cost. It was explained that the cost difference is due to the light output.

Old Business

Update on Potranco road construction was given. Construction is now to start on Jan. 4, 2016.

There was no update on the food bank.

Update on brush pick up. Albert has been in contact with Sylvia from Mr. Rodriguez’s office and was told that the money has been approved for the dumpsters and they are waiting on a date when they can supply the dumpsters. Pastor Rob of CFBC has said there are 2 weekends a month when we can use their property to place the dumpsters so it is a matter of coordinating the time between when the dumpsters will be available and when we can use the church property.

There were 11 spots sold for the flea market for $170.00.

Frank brought up the possibility of collecting parking fee at Potranco Automotive for POA funds. Rudy has not been approached with this idea and it was pointed out that Rudy has an agreement with the bar that they can use his parking lot. It was also mentioned that there could be a liability issue. The discussion was dropped for now.

The Bylaws have been updated and need to be taken to the courthouse to be filed.

New Business

Plans were approved for the corner lot of Grosenbacher and Potranco roads for construction of Excel ER.

Plans for moving in a mobile home on lot 7, 12220 Madrona, and lot 8, 12214 Madrona were approved.

Safety report from BCSD. Richard reported that a meeting with Chico Rodriquez, the Bexar County Sheriff’s Dept, and the traffic control division and the POA is pending. Richard said he will call on Nov. 11, 2015 to follow up for a date for that meeting.

Election of Board Officers will be at the Jan. 12, 2016 meeting.

Open Forum

Mr. Jones commented that due to Amhurst tying in with Coolcrest he is now having flooding issues that he has never had before. Frank suggested that he contact the Bexar County Public Works Dept.

Albert approached Tink A Taco about hanging the Christmas in the trees and was told that would be OK but the electrical outlet was damaged. Albert said he would fix it. It was decided that the lights would be hung at 10:00 AM on Dec. 5, 2015.

Next meeting will be on Jan. 12, 2016.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.


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