Minutes Coolcrest POA Mtg Apr 16, 2024

Meeting was held at the Christian Family Baptist Church and was called to order at 7:32 PM by President, Gabe Lara.

Old Business

Representatives from Bexar County Public Works, Tony Vasquez, Division Chief, Robert Delaney, Superintendent Cagnon Service Center, Rodrigo Solis, Assistant Superintendent Cagnon, Johnny Luna, Superintendent, Traffic Division, and Julio Ramos, consultant.

Robert Delaney explained that we could request bulk pickup and brush pickup once a year if we had a secured area where dumpsters could be placed from Friday evening until Monday morning. An email request to him would suffice. Hazardous pickup would need to be requested through Tony Vasquez. They are also responsible for trimming trees on the right of way and checking and clearing drain pipes in the right of way.

Johnny Luna explained that his department is responsible for lights, striping, signs and studies.

Consultant Julio Ramos explained that a Speed Analysis and Safety Enhancement study on Silver Maple was done. There are1500 cars a day, 85% were at an average speed of 35 mph and the peak time is 8 AM to 7 PM. The goal is to slow down traffic and reduce cut through traffic. Recommendations were flashing signs, police enforcement and mini roundabouts at the intersections of both Poinciana and Eucalyptus with Silver Maple. (an example of a mini roundabout is on Hausmann just off Bandera). Cost would be approximately $200,00 each with 2 solar light poles at each. Funding possibly this year or next. Julio will get us information on the study and a sample letter explaining the recommendation. Tony requested a community support letter before pursuing this plan.

Amanda Gonzalez is a candidate in the upcoming runoff election for County Commissioner Precinct 1 and stated that her main concern was infrastructure and wanted a survey done on where you think the money should be spent. She also addressed public safety and the need for more deputies in Precinct 1.

Patty Hernandez from the office of Rebeca Clay-Flores, County Commissioner Precinct 1 spoke on the actions that have been taken such as Food Drive, Earth Day Fest April 21, a new sheriff’s substation on Old Talley Rd., and animal control center is coming on Cagnon Rd., a mural at Mission County Park, and meetings being held regarding Talley Community Park. She also stated that they would be contacting Chief Deputy Molleda about patrolling in our area and that the Commissioner is in support of the mini roundabouts. She handed out Constituent Resources Guides.

Minutes from the Oct. 24, 2023 meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Corporate Federal Tax Return and State Franchise Tax Return have been filed timely.

New Business

Linda spoke on the recent water rate hike. System Improvement Charges were approved for a $6.14 increase from $8.48 to $14.62. This months increase was only $3.57 and not sure why but expect to see the full amount next month.

Gabe had attempted to find out the cost of getting additional street lights but was unsuccessful. We will revisit this after the mini roundabouts issue is settled.

Open Forum

Albert stated that the house at 12006 Bois D’Arc is still not completed after almost 2 years. A letter will be sent to the owner.

Next meeting July 16. 2024

Meeting adjourned at 9:03 PM

Agenda Coolcrest POA Mtg. Apr 16, 2024

Christian Family Baptist Church
1589 Grosenbacher Rd.

Read and approve minutes from the Oct 24th, 2024 meeting
Read and approve Treasurer’s report
Old Business
Representative from Bexar County Public work will be in attendance to give update
on traffic study

New Business
Update on water rate hike
Discuss adding street lights to Silver Maple

Open Forum
Next Meeting: July 16,2024

Minutes Coolcrest POA Mtg. Oct. 24, 2023

Meeting was held at the Christian Family Baptist Church.

Present at the meeting were President Gabe Lara, Vice President Albert Siller, Treasurer Linda Patillo and Sergeant at Arms Richard Garza.

Also in attendance were County Commissioner, Precinct 1 Rebecca Clay Flores, and Tony Velasquez and Johnny Luna with the Bexar County Public Works.

Meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Gabe Lara.

The minutes for the February 21, 2023 meeting were read and approved. 

The treasurer’s report was read and approved. 

New Business

County Commissioner Rebecca Clay Flores gave an update on what projects are being worked on in Precinct 1.

They will be building a community park Tally road.

They will also be building a Bexar County Sheriff substation.

She and law enforcement representatives will be holding community meetings to get input from the public on what needs the communities may have.

She also mentioned that a change requiring that EDS (Emergency District Services) purchases over $20,000.00 would need commissioners’ approval was not passed.

Her office will be following up with the Sherriff’s department regarding the speeding on Silver Maple and people running the stop signs.  The lack of sidewalks and speed bumps was also discussed. She will work with Tony Vasquez of the Bexar County Public Works on this issue as he was present and he indicated the budget for this fiscal year had already been approved.    They will have to do a feasibility study for the sidewalks.

An update was given by Tony Vasquez on the traffic study that was done on Silver Maple and Bois Darc. The study showed that the average speed on silver Maple was 35 MPH

The recommendations were:

  1.  Place LED lighters on the stop signs. 
  2.  Put in a mini roundabout at the intersection if there is enough right of way property to do it.

Mr. Vasquez indicated that they would be checking out these recommendations.   Richard Garza will contact the owners of the properties at that intersection to obtain approval for the lights and then get with Mr. Vasquez.

The Coolcrest POA asked if there could be an exception to putting speed bumps on Silver Maple to slow the speeder down. They are going to look into it to see if it could be done as there are deep bar ditches at the sides.

He will also check into having the lane stripe repainted at the entrance and possibly installing a barrier to separate the lanes. 

Pastor Rob Johnson from Christian Family Baptist Church gave us an update on the food pantry that they provide. They are opening a grocery store where the community could earn points by doing some type of community work to get points for groceries. They are looking at a budget of $6,000.00 per month for the church’s part totaling an annual budget of  $72,000.00 to cover  all the participants . He also thanked the Coolcrest POA for their support as well as the community.

Meeting adjourned at 9:04 pm.

Next meeting is on January 16, 2024.

Agenda Coolcrest POA Mtg. OCT 24, 2023


Christian Family Baptist Church
1589 Grosenbacher Rd.

Read and approve minutes from the Feb 21, 2023 meeting
Read and approve Treasurer’s report
New Business
Commissioner Rebecca Clay-Flores and/or representative will be in attendance to take
your questions.
Representative from Bexar County Public Works will be in attendance to take your questions
Discuss Water rate hike
Discuss adding street lights to Silver Maple

Open Forum
Next Meeting: January 16,2024

Minutes Coolcrest POA Mtg. Feb 21, 2023

Present were all board members, with exception of vice-president Albert Siller, six guest speakers and five property owners. The meeting was held at Christian Family Baptist Church at 1589 Grosenbacher Rd. and was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Read and approve minutes from the Oct 18, 2022 meeting
Minutes approved unanimously

Read and approve Treasurer’s report
Treasurer’s report approved unanimously

A motion was made by president Gabe Lara to move agenda items numbered one (1) and two (2) of New Business to after item number one (1) of Unfinished Business in order to better accommodate the guest speakers’ time. Motion passed unanimously.

New Business
1. Representatives from TCEQ and EPA to discuss status of River City Metal property

EPA Region 6 Project Manager, Stephen Tzone reported that this property will be deleted from the federal register, notices to be sent late February. The property is safe and can be used for all uses, including residential. It possibly has liens and tax issues. The EPA can help with letters for banks, etc. Supporting docs can be found at https://www.epa.gov/superfund/river-city-metal-finishing.

2. Representative of Commissioner Rebeca Clay-Flores for Q&A

The Commissioner was present and spoke of some of her accomplishments thus far and about items for which she is advocating in Austin, such as more money for education, financing for a park off Talley Rd., voter registration online, appraisal reform, etc. It was requested that she assist with getting more patrol for speeding, stop signs and over-sized vehicles that are being stored in our subdivision. Commissioner’s office will look into why the weeds have not yet been cut at the River City Metal property. Contact for Precinct 1 Commissioner Clay-Flores is https://www.bexar.org/3341/Precinct-1-Commissioner-Rebeca-Clay-Flor.

3. Representatives from Bexar County Public Works for Q&A

Several division superintendents and the operations manager were present and spoke about the various services provided, county permits required, traffic studies and projects. We will receive a copy of our study once completed. Street projects can be found at https://www.bexar.org/1502/Projects. They will provide a bulk pick-up once a year if we can provide a location that is gated and manned by us for security. We will be working on this.

Unfinished Business
1. “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia” Coolcrest
a. Sonya – social media request for donations

Request was not made via social media yet due to lack of participation on other posts.

b. Gabe – commercial properties donation request letters

Letters have not been sent at this time.

2. Social Media
Sonya emailed links to Nextdoor and Facebook group pages via the minutes.  Reminder that links were included in the previous minutes.

3. Subdivision Discount on Trash Service
Gabe spoke with Tiger Sanitation Company who offered that if we sign a contract stating the subdivision will exclusively use their service, we will receive a discount rate, no extra fees (such as fuel surcharges) and will provide bulk pick-up once a year. We did not have a quorum in order to vote on this issue, so a proxy note/form will be created and distributed to members who wish to vote in this manner, and/or we will be looking into allowing electronic voting.

4. Neighborhood Watch
Sonya communicated with the SCORE division of Bexar County Sheriff’s Department regarding the Citizens on Patrol (C.O.P.) program, which replaced the neighborhood watch program. They provide a 3 hours class, an id badge and ride along training for any citizen interested in patrolling their neighborhood. None present were interested.

Open Forum
A member stated that “something has to be done” in regards to the many illegal businesses and properties that are full of trash/debris and speeding in the neighborhood. Wants enforcement like the other subdivisions close to us.

Election of board officers
Due to lack of quorum, we were unable to hold election of the officers. Therefore, the current officers remain seated for one (1) year unless a special meeting is held to attempt quorum. The position of secretary remains vacant, however, Sonya stated she would continue to help. She does not have voting power on the board, only as a member.

Next Meeting: April 18, 2023
Adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Agenda Coolcrest POA Mtg. Feb 21, 2023

Read and approve minutes from the Oct 18, 2022 meeting

Read and approve Treasurer’s report

Unfinished Business

  1. Representatives from TCEQ and EPA to discuss status of River City Metal property
  2. “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia” Coolcrest
    a. Sonya – social media request for donations
    b. Gabe – commercial properties donation request letters
  3. Social Media
    a. Sonya emailed links to Nextdoor and Facebook group pages via the minutes
  4. Subdivision Discount on Trash Service
  5. Neighborhood Watch

New Business

  1. Representative of Commissioner Rebecca Clay-Flores for Q&A
  2. Representative from Bexar County Public Works for Q&A

Open Forum

Election of board officers

Next Meeting:  April 18, 2023 


Minutes for Oct 18, 2022 POA Meeting

All board members present and 8 property owners.

The meeting was held at Christian Family Baptist Church at 1589 Grosenbacher Rd. and was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

Introductions of the board members was done.

Read and approve minutes from the April 19, 2022 meeting
Minutes approved unanimously

Read and approve Treasurer’s report
Treasurer’s report approved unanimously
A question was answered in regards to how we had obtained the current assets; they were awarded from a civil law suit.

New Business

  1. Deed Restrictions
    a. Brief review
    • Discussed the current covenants and some of the major violations of them that are occurring. It was brought to attention that we need to look towards the future because if these violations are not brought under control, it will get worse before better. New members asked what they liked about Coolcrest: quiet neighborhood, bigger lots, no HOA.
    b. Item #14 amended reminder
    • In 1999 the covenants were continued in perpetuity; on file with the county and on our website
    c. Discuss possible amendments
    • Allowing certain types of businesses that do not cause excessive traffic, noise, pollution, etc. Changing setback requirements to possibly 25 ft instead of 50. Adding/removing certain items in regards to animal issues. Will look into forming a task force for this item.
    d. Upcoming enforcement efforts
    • Links to various enforcement agencies are listed on social media pages and our website. A list of violations will be sent to the MPA. Discussed speaking with the Board of Realtors to remind them and provide the covenants. It seems that since we are POA vs HOA there may be confusion about us having restrictions. Possibly try to find a list of homes bought recently in Coolcrest to provide the new owners with the covenants. Contacting the law enforcement agencies about the many oversized vehicles being stored/parked/driven thru our subdivision on a daily basis.
  2. “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia” Coolcrest
    a. Current average cost to Coolcrest
    • $52 for the 4 lights along Silver Maple. The county will replace the bulbs when the need it.
    b. Future funding needed – ideas
    • Gabe (president) suggested that we approach the county to install more lights and pay for them monthly. Rebecca Flores, County Commissioner, will be attending our next meeting.
    • Richard (sgt at arms) suggested asking people to adopt a light
    • Member suggested sending letters to property owners asking for donations. Linda (treasurer) stated that letters had been sent in the past with not much response. Then same member suggested asking the businesses along Potranco, who are in our subdivision, for contributions. Gabe will send a letter to them.
    • Member stated that if all property owners would chip in $5 a year, it would cover the cost and enable the subdivision to have funds for other needs.
    • Sonya(secretary) will put requests on social media.
    • A raffle was suggested but we are unable to because we are not a 501c group.
  3. The Silver Maple Speedway
    a. Review historic attempts at adding 4 way stop signs
    • Gabe stated that things change from the past. Since we have a new county commissioner, it is a good idea to ask again for a new study. The last ones were done in 2014 and 2016.
    b. Review historic attempts for county to install speed bumps
    • After a study was conducted several years ago, it was determined that we do not qualify because we need sidewalks, which we are unable to get.
    • Sonya had researched current process/information to get speed bumps. The POA now is responsible to pay for them, which costs around $11,000 for a pair. The county would maintain thereafter.
    c. Discuss enforcement
    • It was suggested that we call precinct 1 for more patrol. More signage was suggested, but response was that people ignore the ones we have already.
  4. Social Media
    a. Facebook
    • New group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/607712647537284/
    b. Nextdoor App
    • New group on Nextdoor App
    Gabe asked Sonya to send an email to property owners notifying them of these groups
  5. Subdivision Discount on Trash Service
    a. Any interest in pursuing
    • Sonya will provide a list of providers and their numbers and Gabe will call to see what they have to offer.

Open Forum
• Neighborhood Watch was brought up. It was a long time ago, but the light bill is under Coolcrest Crime Watch name. Sonya will call to check status and how to get it going again, possibly.
• Gabe reminded us that early votingfor the November 8th election begins on the 24th. This church will be a polling site for early election.

Next Meeting: January 16, 2023 Election of the POA Officers
• Richard announced the upcoming board member election. It was asked how one runs and answered that they must be nominated with a 2nd nomination to be put on the ballot. It is encouraged for property owners to get involved.

• Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Agenda Coolcrest POA Mtg. Oct 18, 2022

Read and approve minutes from the April 19, 2022 meeting

Read and approve Treasurer’s report

New Business

  • Deed Restrictions
    • Brief review
    • Item #14 amended reminder
    • Discuss possible amendments
    • Upcoming enforcement efforts
  • “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia” Coolcrest
    • Current average cost to Coolcrest
    • Future funding needed – ideas
  • The Silver Maple Speedway
    • Review historic attempts at adding 4 way stop signs
    • Review historic attempts for county to install speed bumps
    • Discuss enforcement 
  • Social Media
    • Facebook
    • Nextdoor App
  • Subdivision Discount on Trash Service
    • Any interest in pursuing

Open Forum

Next Meeting:  January 16, 2023  ***Election of the POA Officers***


Minutes for Apr 19, 2022 Coolcrest POA Mtg

Meeting was held via zoom. Meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by President Gabriel Lara.

Attendance present: Linda Patillo, Richard Garza, Sonya Cahalan, Hope Wilson, Eldon Rhodes

Minutes from the July 20,2021 were read and approved.

Treasures report was read and approved.

New Business

Update from the EPA on the River City Metal Finishing Superfund Site Project was given by Stephen Tzhone. The project is nearing its completion and will make the recommendation that it be placed on the NPL (National Priorities List) for recommendation that it should be deleted from the projects list. Once it has been in the deletion process a formal communication will be sent out for the comments period to be addressed. Once received we will place the form in the Coolcrest POA website for comments to be furnished back to the EPA. That could happen as early as September, October of this year. The comment period is between 30 or 60 days once announced.

Representing the EPA were:

Stephen Tzhone 214 665 8409

Brian Mueller

Jason Mckinney Community Involvement Coordinator  214 665 8132

The EPA website for additional information on the project  is: Https://WWW.EPA.GOV/SUPERFUND/RIVER-CITY-METAL-FINISHING

Open Forum

Representative Patty Hernandez from County Commissioner Prescient One office attended the meeting.

She had several takeaways that were given to her to follow up on. She can be reached at the following phone numbers for any questions.

Office: 210 335 2891

Mobile: 210 335 2611

Next Meeting: July 19, 2022

Meeting adjourned at 8:37PM

Agenda Coolcrest POA Mtg. Apr 19, 2022

Meeting to be held via Zoom

Read and approve minutes from July 20, 2021 meeting

Read and approve Treasurer’s report

New Business

1.    Update from EPA on the River City Metal Site

2.      Discuss possible fund raiser (flea market)

Open Forum

Next Meeting July 19,2022

Adjourn meeting

Zoom information

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/89796276013?pwd=VGFxSmlJcnY5aEpCcXdnRmF4ZXA2QT09
Meeting ID: 897 9627 6013

Passcode: 882398