Minutes for Sept 20, 2016 POA Meeting

Meeting was held at the Christian Family Baptist Church and was called to order at 7:30 PM by President Eldon Rhodes.

Minutes from the July 12, 2016 meeting were read and approved

Treasurer’s report was read and approved.

Old Business

A letter was not sent regarding the new home on Tallowood as the time limit for construction had not expired.  Construction has resumed.

New Business

Flea Market is Oct 1 and we need volunteers.  Linda gave the hrs and the following volunteered.  6-8  Linda, 8-10 Richard, 10-noon Scotty, noon-2 no one yet.

A resident contacted Linda regarding pet owners walking their dogs and not picking up the dog’s poop especially when it is around mailboxes where people walk all the time.  Linda will send out an email.

Plans were submitted and approved for the new Sandra’s restaurant.

1604 road construction from Culebra to Potranco will start in October and Potranco to Hwy 90 will start in November.

Open Forum

The lot at Potranco and Silver Maple has a sign advertising a strip center to be constructed.  Eldon contacted the realtor and they are aware of the deed restrictions and she is waiting on the plans so she can submit them to us for approval.

If anyone knows of a concrete contractor living in Coolcrest, please let Pastor Rob know.  He needs an estimate for a concrete pad.

It was recommended that the Flea Market sign be put out sooner and other advertising done as people need time to gather items.

Richard welcomed Fernando and Rosemary Cordova to Coolcrest.

Resident Gabe Lara spoke to the group regarding his run for Bexar County Commissioner Pct 1 as a write-in candidate.

Next meeting will be Nov. 8, 2016

Meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM



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