Minutes for the Nov. 11, 2014 POA Meeting

Meeting was held at the Christian Family Baptist Church and was called to order at 7:35 PM by President Richard Garza.

Minutes from the Sept. 9, 2014 meeting were read & approved.

Treasurer’s report was read & approved.

Old Business

No new update on Potranco Rd. Expansion

Food Bank Distribution on Oct 17 went very well.

New Business

A certified letter and a regular mailed letter were sent to Mrs. Veronica Salas Ortiz at 12205 Poinciana for violation of deed restriction #5, building a structure without prior review of plans and approval by the board.  Mrs. Ortiz has not responded.  A follow-up letter will be sent.

Burn Ban is still in effect until Nov. 14, 2014

Next food drive is Nov 14 and then on  Dec 12

A motion was made and approved to donate $200 to the Christian Family Baptist Church.  We appreciate them letting of us their facilities.

Discussion held on how to make sure property owners are aware of the deed restrictions.  Southwestern Development created the deed restrictions which were then passed to the Property Owner’s Association.  The deed restrictions were extended on January 26, 1999 and would renew automatically every 10 Years.  Richard will make copies and put them in a container up by the bulletin board so that property owners can take one.

Bexar County Code Compliance number is 210-335-6700.

Open Forum

There was a house at 11905 Grapevine that operated a Haunted House around Halloween and charged $3.00.  A letter will be sent advising them that they can not operate a business in the residential area.

Next meeting is January 13, 2015 and the election of new officers will be held

Meeting adjourned at 8:06 PM






Agenda for Coolcrest POA Mtg Nov 11, 2014

November 11, 2014


Current Items
• Review and approve the minutes from September 9, 2014
• Review and approve the financial report
• Update on Potranco road expansion
• Update on the food bank distribution

New Items
• Letter sent to Mrs. Veronica Salas Ortiz on 12205 Poinciana for violation of deed restriction #5, building a structure without prior review of plans and approval by the board.
• Burn Ban is in effect until November 14, 2014
• Next food drive are November 14 and December 12
• Consider making donation to Christian Family Baptist Church for use of the meeting place.
• Need to consider sending the deed restrictions to the property owners.
• Bexar County Code Compliance 210 335 6700
• Open the floor to members present for comments or questions.
• Next meeting January 13,2015 for election of new offices