Meeting was held at the Christian Family Baptist Church and was called to order at 7:31 PM by President Frank Partee.
Minutes from the July 14, 2015 meeting were read & approved.
Treasurer’s report was read & approved.
Old Business
A Board Workshop had been held to discuss changing of By-Laws. Changes were recommended but some questions arose and Richard contacted our attorney for clarification. To change the Deed Restrictions, we would need unanimous approval from all property owners. In the By-Laws, Section 13.01 addresses changes by majority of a quorum of the membership at two consecutive meetings (15% of property owners or approx. 52 owners); however, there is an alternative. Under Section 22.102)(c) of the Business Organizations Code, the Board can amend the By-Laws unless the members expressly provide that the Board can not do so which the members have not done. Richard will do a revision of the By-Laws and then schedule a Board Meeting
Albert reported that Pastor Rob agreed to let us use the church property for a community brush/trash pickup. Albert has called the Commissioner’s office but has not received a response yet. Albert/Frank will follow-up on this.
Potranco Rd expansion now slated to start Nov. 2015
New Business
Richard has contacted the Commissioner’s office regarding speeding on Silver Maple and the need for speed bumps. No response yet.
Open Forum
Mr. Sanchez would like to invite Rick Galindo or his rep to our next meeting and will contact him.
At the corner of White Birch and Silver Maple there is a mobile home that needs skirting.
Flea Market will be Oct 3
Discussion held regarding dues for the POA. No decision made.
.Next Meeting will be Nov. 10, 2015
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM